Understanding the Brand


The essence of our brand in one sentence:

Here we are at home.

Our inner values

In our day-to-day operations, we have to make decisions all the time: Sometimes big, sometimes small. Keeping track of the big picture, maintaining focus, and making the right call between a wide array of options for the brand’s best interest is challenging, to say the least. Three simple internal guiding principles help us to stay on track.

We act in real life

Whether you’re throwing a street party, coordinating a run, , playing cards, forming a carpool, borrowing that missing egg from the neighbour, or carrying the groceries for the elderly retiree upstairs: neighbourly initiatives take place in the real world. Encouraging the colourful variety of these interactions is the driving force behind our work. We believe this is how a neighbourhood comes together, and how strangers turn into acquaintances and friends. We are "Online for Offline".

We always think long-term

Turning neighbourhoods into lively communities with the help of a digital platform is an enormous task that requires a lot of commitment, (wo)man power, financial resources, and time. Every small milestone on the way to making our vision a reality counts — and keeps us going. Our motto is to make fast progress on our mission by setting concrete intermediate goals. This way, we not only have more frequent causes for celebration, but at the same time remain flexible to make design tweaks that can help us reach long-term goals with our best foot forward.

We create value for all

The neighbourhood is an ecosystem consisting of unique participants with diverse interests. Our decisions are therefore always based on the relevance for the participants and the impact on the entire ecosystem. We strive to maintain integrity in the sense of the brand and to present  the reasons and motives for our decisions clearly, honestly and comprehensively. That is why we ask the question "why" in everything we do.


Our self-image

Curating a self-image means understanding what you’re all about. For us, that means honing our role in the neighbourhood and performing it with heart, mind, and drive. That way, everyone knows what makes us tick. Because knowing where you stand with someone is the basis of a trusting relationship.

We are a tool

We describe ourselves as a "tool" or, in digital terms, an "operating system" for the neighbourhood that offers value and benefits to our users. Whether it is practical help, new contacts, or a good recommendation - the benefits can be manifold, but always centre around the neighbourhood. Everything we do or offer to users is examined and evaluated in the context of neighbourhood interaction.

We stand for diversity

We are convinced that the key to a harmonious society lies in the interplay of diversity and cooperation. We follow clear rules for dealing with each other that are transparent for everyone. This also means that we do not let everything pass on our platform.

We act locally

In the face of today’s overwhelming global problems, we counter helplessness and cynicism with  a can-do attitude and a zeal for action. We believe that many small things can make a big difference. With every positive experience and contribution for, with, and from the local community, each individual gets the chance to shape our world. Neighbourhood engagement is democracy in action.


Tone of Voice